Cold, Bold and Glittering Gold

Celebs Who Love the Deep Freeze!

Hey 👋 TooCool Crew,

Happy Monday Frostbite Fighters!

Respect to all the incredible Fathers out there! You are TooCool! Happy Fathers Day for yesterday.

This Juneteenth Monday, let's honor the spirit of resilience, freedom, and equality, as we embark on another week of cold encounters.

Let's get frosty!

We're giving you the ultimate scoop on how the stars chill out – literally. You'd be surprised how many of Hollywood's finest are frost-fanatics just like us.

Lady Gaga 🤩

This pop sensation is not just known for her outrageous outfits and vocal prowess, but also for her frosty ritual post-performance. Lady Gaga swears by ice baths for recovery after her high-energy concerts. She takes the plunge to reduce inflammation and boost her overall recovery, ensuring she's ready to hit those high notes night after night. This queen of pop certainly knows how to stay 'cool' under pressure!

Zac Efron 🤩

Not to be outdone, heartthrob Zac Efron is also a member of the chill club. Known for his intense workouts and dedication to staying fit, Efron ensures his recovery is just as rigorous as his training. And guess what’s on the recovery menu? Ice baths! After a grueling session at the gym, Zac doesn't just walk on the cold side, he dives right in!

Laird Hamilton 🤩

Big wave surfer Laird Hamilton is not just about riding hot waves, he's also about diving into cold water. Along with his athlete wife, Gabby Reece, he regularly indulges in frosty plunges. Surfing, plunging, conquering – all in a day's work for this cool couple!

Hailey Bieber 🤩

Keeping up with the cool kids is Justin Bieber's better half, Hailey. She has been spotted submerging herself in ice baths as part of her routine to stay refreshed and invigorated. It's no easy task, but Hailey's icy plunges prove that to achieve that radiant glow, sometimes you've got to embrace the chill!

Joe Rogan 🤩

Podcasting powerhouse Joe Rogan takes his love for the cold a step further. He combines sensory deprivation with chilling temperatures for an immersive mind-body experience. Looks like Rogan loves a good ice-breaker in more ways than one!

Nicole Scherzinger 🤩

Don't cha wish your routine was hot like hers? Well, in the case of Nicole Scherzinger, the Pussycat Dolls lead singer, it's more a case of 'cool' than 'hot'. This dazzling diva regularly takes icy plunges as part of her wellness regimen. She credits the frosty dip for keeping her energized, glowing, and ready to take the world by storm, one high note at a time!

Russell Brand 🤩

Our list wouldn't be complete without comedian and actor Russell Brand. This superstar has spoken openly about his cold shower routine, which he says is a powerful way to start the day. Brand embraces the cold like he embraces his humor – with full intensity!

These celebs might walk the red carpet, but when it comes to embracing the cold, they're right here with us on the ice.

Looking for some inspiration from Russel himself? 


Replying to @Mike Collier You lot (including Mike) asked, so this is why! I learnt from @Iceman Wim Hof #coldplunge #icebath #wellness

Remember... Cold exposure is like working out at the gym. You wouldn't dare bench press 300lb on your first day.

So if you're new please take it slow, and listen to your body.

Stay cool, TooCool

Lance Marks
Co-founder @