🎁 We're giving away an Ice Pod!

Let's make the world a cooler place. There's enough ice-cold love for everyone!

Hey 👋 TooCool Crew,

Happy Monday! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Light the sparklers and ice the coolers, it's Independence Day tomorrow! Happy 4th - keep it chill!

Today, we're talking about one of our favorite subjects: spreading the love of cold exposure. Specifically, how to convert your friends and family into ice bath enthusiasts!

Now, before you start throwing ice cubes at your loved ones…

We’re giving away The Ice Pod 👇

How it works…

🎁  1 referral = 1 entry into our frosty draw.

🎟 More referrals, more chances!

🏆 Winner to be announced in next weeks newsletter!

Now back to how to convince your loved ones to be as chill as you!

🚿 Cold Showers: The Gentle Intro

The abrupt shock of an ice bath can be a bit much for the uninitiated. It's like jumping into the deep end without knowing how to swim! But fear not, a gentle introduction to cold exposure is just a shower knob away.

Encourage your loved ones to start their journey with cold showers. Just a quick 30-second burst at the end of their usual hot shower is a great start. Once they get comfortable, they can increase the duration and drop the temperature.

🥳 A Plunge Party: Frosty Socializing

Nothing builds camaraderie like shared experiences, especially when those experiences involve shrieking in unison as you all submerge in icy water. Hosting a plunge party is a brilliant way to bring your loved ones together.

Set up a barbecue, play some chill music, and make it a memorable day. After all, who can say no to good food, laughter, and a communal icy dip?

📚 Education: The Cool Key

Despite our enthusiasm, not everyone immediately sees the appeal of voluntarily lowering their body temperature. That’s where a little education can go a long way.

Share the multitude of benefits that cold exposure offers: mood enhancement, better sleep, increased metabolism, and a boosted immune system. Show them it’s not just a quirky hobby, but a pathway to better health and well-being!

🤩 Set an Example: Be a Cool Role Model

Be the change you wish to see. Show them the incredible benefits you've gained from your cold exposure journey. Whether it's better skin, improved mood, or boosted energy levels, these tangible benefits are the best advertisement for this chilly lifestyle!

🏆 The Chilly Challenges: A Frosty Face-off

Last but not least, who said cold exposure can't be a fun group activity? Turn it into a friendly competition. How about a 'Last Man Standing' challenge in the ice bath? Or a contest for the funniest icy plunge face? Just remember, it's all about having fun and creating a positive association with the cold.

Are you ready to expand our frosty family?

Remember, every icicle started as a single droplet, and every cold exposure champion started with a single shiver!

Check out the plunge of the week! 


Replying to @Anytime Vids Day 200 🧊 #coldplunge #motivation #fypシ

Remember... Cold exposure is like working out at the gym. You wouldn't dare bench press 300lb on your first day.

So if you're new please take it slow, and listen to your body.

Stay cool, TooCool

Lance Marks
Co-founder @ Toocool.io