🧊 Ice Ice Maybe.

Let's Debunk Some Cold Exposure Myths!

Hey 👋 TooCool Crew,

As always Happy Monday!

We’re heating up to melt away 6 widely-held myths about cold exposure.

Myth 5 we’ll bet you’ve heard your mom say a gazillion times. We still love you mom! ❤️

So let’s dive right in!

Myth 1 🤪 

Only adrenaline junkies, elite athletes, crazies and guests on Kevin Hart's "Cold as Balls" practice such icy shenanigans.


Cold exposure is as universal as it gets. Whether you're a marathon runner or a lover of Netflix marathons, the icy benefits don't play favorites! Even just short cold showers can help decrease inflammation, boost blood flow, and sharpen your focus. 

Myth 2 🥶

Cold exposure is just too frigid to handle.


Yes, entering the cold can be daunting, but this is precisely what makes it so rewarding. When you willingly place yourself in a chilly scenario, you're training your brain to regulate stress responses. This workout helps you control your impulses and improves your resilience in dealing with everyday stress.

Here are some other key benefits which make the plunge worth the squeeze. (🤔 hmmm, that sounded better in my head)

Myth 3 🚫

Cold exposure is a direct ticket to hypothermia-ville.


Yes, extended exposure to freezing temperatures can lead to hypothermia, but controlled cold exposure is generally safe. It might be a shock to the system, but it's a safe one! Always remember: start slow and tune in to your body. If any concerns arise, consult a healthcare professional.

Myth 4 👋

Cold exposure means a permanent address in the Arctic.


No need to pack your bags for colder regions! You can practice cold exposure anywhere, even in the balmy comforts of your own home. All you need is a cool supply of H2O, like your shower or just a bowl full of ice to dunk your face into.

Myth 5 🤒

Cold exposure will make you catch a cold!


Despite what moms across the globe have been chanting for 1000’s of years, studies indicate that cold exposure can actually stimulate the production of white blood cells, improving your body's ability to fend off infections.

Remember 👉 If you are already feeling under the weather it is advised not to expose yourself to the cold. (We’ll let you have this one mom 💝)

Myth 6 🌊

Cold exposure is just a passing fad!


Cold exposure might be making waves on TikTok, but it's rooted in centuries-old practices and traditions. Given its natural and accessible ways to boost health and wellness, we're confident it's more than just a fleeting trend!

Take a look at what Day 1 VS. day 35 of taking an ice bath looks like. Inspiring! 🤩


Replying to @emmmmmbbbby this was the day I said “I’m only 4 days in, I could quite now and no one would know”. But I would… #icebath #men... See more

Remember... Cold exposure is like working out at the gym. You wouldn't dare bench press 300lb on your first day.

So if you're new please take it slow, and listen to your body.

Stay cool, TooCool

Lance Marks
Co-founder @ Toocool.io